Our Vision:

Building Faith, Families, and Friends 

(This is What We Do)


Building Faith:

On an individual level, our journey of faith is very personal with unique moments where God reveals His character and purpose. Regardless of what stage of life someone is in when faith is being investigated or actually begins, Christ’s Chapel is intentional in creating a pathway where Jesus in known and growth in faith occurs. Our goal is to connect the personal and public components of faith with genuineness and consistency.

On a community and world scale, it is the vision of our church to reach our neighborhoods, communities, and the nations of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is the inspiration and motivation of who we are and what we do.

Building Families:

Families come in various shapes and sizes. At Christ’s Chapel a single mom and a divorced man are as valued as a traditional couple with children or a senior citizen.  Strengthening all families is a primary goal. Our vision includes assisting and encouraging married couples in their journey as well as celebrating singleness for those that walk that path. 

Also, as a family of faith our heart is to provide excellence of care and ministry for our children, our young people, and our seniors. Since God has designed and described the local church as family, every intention is to provide a loving community that places an emphasis on trust, integrity, transparency, and care.

Building Friends:

The creation of safe and genuine relationships is a treasure for most people.  Friends are the glue to life. Without them, church becomes difficult, work becomes drudgery, family becomes a challenge and life becomes unbearable. That is why building friends is a goal of our congregation. It is hoped from the moment a guest comes to one of our services that they will be welcomed with friendliness and hospitality, where existing friendships are strengthened, and new relationships are formed.